Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Discussion 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Discussion 4 - Essay Example He established a new social hierarchy system. This was different from what prevailed in the time of his predecessors. His new social hierarchy was based on talent and he himself chose the most able generals, scientists, wealthy men and former nobles as senators. He also introduced a new system of hierarchy of noble titles. These titles could be inherited but they had also had to be supported with wealth. Able and favored generals were often rewarded with estates in conquered territories. He also appointed his sons to exotic positions. His most impressive and long last achievement was the introduction of Civil Code also called Napoleonic Code that was completed in 1804. Under the code property rights, religious freedom and uniform laws of Freedom provided equal treatment for adult males but reduced the rights of women, children and employees. On the battle ground, he went way beyond his predecessors. He did not imply that war, the leader must memorize all the details of past wars and emulate the completely, for instance those fought by Alexander, Hannibal, Ceasar, Turenne, and Frederick the Great. Napoleon was not a greater innovator as a soldier himself. Infact, he did not trust ideas, precisely why he disbanded the balloon companies inherited from the Armies of the Revolution and rejected Rover Fulton’s offer of submarines and naval mines.

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